Other Suggested Vision Resources
Book recommendations from Dr. Beasley: Red Flags for Elementary Teachers and Red Flags for Primary Teachers , both by Katie Johnson. Both books available in paperback and Kindle versions.
American Optometric Association – The American Optometric Association represents approximately 36,000 doctors of optometry, optometry students and paraoptometric assistants and technicians. Optometrists serve patients in nearly 6,500 communities across the country, and in 3,500 of those communities are the only eye doctors. Doctors of optometry provide two-thirds of all primary eye care in the United States.
National Eye Institute - As part of the federal government’s National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Eye Institute’s mission is to “conduct and support research, training, , and other programs with respect to blinding eye diseases, visual disorders, mechanisms of visual function, preservation of sight, and the special health problems and requirements of the blind.”
WebMD Eye Health Center – Good eye health and eye care are crucial to protect your sight, prevent common eye disorders, and treat eye problems early. How does the eye work? Learn about the anatomy of the eye, including the parts of the eye such as the cornea. See a diagram of a human eye. Find out about eye diseases, contagious conditions such as pinkeye, and how to tell if you have good — or bad — vision.