Vision Problem Symptom Survey

All Ages Vision Care

Vision Problem Symptom Survey

Are you struggling to determine if you or your child has a vision problem? Are you trying to decide if you should go a step further beyond your basic eye exam? Our 20 question survey should take less than 5 minutes of your time.  If you are interested in the survey for your young child, read the questions and answers to him/her trying not to prompt them to answer any particular way. At the end of the survey, we will total your points and email our recommended course of action to you.


1) Do your eyes get tired when reading or doing close work?

2) Do your eyes feel uncomfortable when reading or doing close work?

3) Do you get headaches when reading or doing close work?

4) Do you feel sleepy when you are reading or doing close work?

5) Do you lose concentration when reading or doing close work?

6) Do you have trouble remembering what you read?

7) Do you have double vision when reading or doing close work?

8) Do you see words move, jump, swim or appear to float on the page when reading or doing close work?

9) Do you feel like you read slowly?

10) Do your eyes ever hurt when reading or doing close work?

11) Do your eyes ever feel sore when reading or doing close work?

12) Do you experience a "pulling" feeling around your eyes when reading or doing close work?

13) Do you notice words blurring or coming in and out of focus when reading or doing close work?

14) Do you lose your place when reading or doing close work?

15) Do you ever have to reread the same line of words when reading?

16) Do you have trouble with depth perception when driving?

17) Are you a poor speller or have trouble visualizing what is read?

18) Do you get dizzy or nauseated when reading or riding in a car?

19) Do you have poor handwriting or have problems getting ideas on paper?

20) Do you reverse letters or numbers or have trouble remembering left and right?

Congratulations!  You have completed the survey.



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